Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Nurses Play A Huge Role During Illness Prevention And...

#51 Significantly, â€Å"Nurses play a huge role in illness prevention and health promotion. We, as nurses assume the role of ambassadors of wellness. Yes, I do believe that nurses play just as an important role in caring for the well as they do in caring for the sick. Perhaps caring for the well is the more important role. In this day and age of budget cuts, cost reduction and staffing shortages, health promotion makes sense. If we can preserve wellness, we reduce the number of times a person needs to enter the health-care system, thus reducing costs.† (Hartford, 2009, The role of the nurse in health promotion section, para. 1) For example, in my work experience, we were conducting health fairs and medical mission during anniversary celebration of our institution and during Baguio City Day wherein we were providing free medical services to the people of Baguio such as free vital signs taking, wound care, health teachings and consultations. In a third world country like the Philippines, where healthcare is not free but rather so expensive, activities and program like this that our institution was conducting and rendering was a great opportunity for the people to access healthcare services. The main target of our institution during these activities was the people from low income family who don’t have access and can’t afford healthcare services. This was usually a 1-2 day activity that we conduct every year. Beside from giving health teachings, we were also distributing healthShow MoreRelatedA Literature Review of Health Promotion Essay1196 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review of Health Promot ions Grand Canyon University NRS 429 September 12, 2010 Literature Review Traditionally the United States health care system has been sickness-oriented. However, in the last two decades, a new paradigm has emerged. This new paradigm emphasizes wellness rather than sickness. 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